Air Caliper Disc Brake
Kobelt air disc brakes are rugged and durable, providing solid reliable, control in either air- applied or released designs. Constructed of bronze and stainless steel, the brakes will last in the harshest conditions. Easy maintenance is a focal point of the design in order to minimize downtime.
Torque – 250 to 93,000 ft-lbs
Typical applications – Draw-works, hoists, winches, marine propulsion

GMR Caliper Brakes
Twiflex GMR series caliper brakes are available with pneumatically, hydraulically, or spring applied thrusters. Normally one or two calipers are used per disc, ideally mounted at 3 or 9 o’clock, but more can be used on larger diameter discs.
Braking force: 1,348 to 8,093 lb (6 to 36 kN)
Typical applications: Metals processing, conveyors, grinding mills, wind turbines, amusement rides, marine propulsion
VC Clutches and Brakes
The Airflex VC element assembly is an air-actuated constricting drum unit. The VC’s ventilated design allows rapid heat dissipation. The torque is carried by torque bars, and leaf springs retract the friction shoes when air pressure is released. Because of this construction, all components are available as replacement parts when refurbishing the unit.
Torque range: 27,000 to 3,660,000 lb-in (3,050 to 413,057 Nm)
Typical applications: Grinding mills, marine propulsion, metal forming machinery