Maxi-Signal Products

400 W & 1000 W Crane Lights
Maxi-Signal 400 W and 1000 W metal halide crane lamps are available for either indoor or outdoor use. The 400 W offers a 25% increase in light output and 50% faster warm-up compared to standard metal halide lamps.
Typical applications: Gantry cranes, bridge cranes

Horn & Strobe Combo
The Maxi-Signal horn and strobe combo is suitable for wall mounting indoors and out. The multi-tone horn has a number of sounds to select from.
Typical applications: Steel mills, paper mills, shipyards, warehouses

LED Floodlights
Maxi-Signal offers high power fin heat-sink LED flood lights. They’re a great alternative to incandescent, high-pressure sodium, and metal haldide lamps. Maxi-Signal’s LED lamps have an average lifetime of 100,000 hours.
Typical applications: Warehouses, amusement parks, indoor stadiums

Status Lights
Maxi-signal status lights are available with up to 100 watt incandescent bulbs. They’re constructed of weatherproof cast aluminum and heat resistant glass and come in a variety of colors.
Typical applications: Steel mills, paper mills, shipyards, warehouses